Financial Support Request Form

The historic first Invincible America Assembly grant check is presented at Maharishi International University to Adrienne Pelton (left) of Del Mar, California on Victory Day, October 2, 2006.
Rod Falk (left) receives his grant check. Course participants who commit to around 6 hours of program a day for one month or longer are eligible to receive a grant of up to $350 per month.

Thank you for your desire to create an Invincible America!

Hold Placed on Grant and Sponsorship Program
The IAA Grant and Sponsorship Program is continuing as it has been in recent years. Unfortunately, there is a hold on processing new grantees or international sponsorships We at Maharishi Foundation USA are doing everything from our side to find donors and increase the finances we need for new grants and international sponsorships.

If you want to be put on a wait-list for new grantees, please email the Grants Administrator at: When the program opens up again, we will start sending emails to people on the wait-list about the next steps to take. The application for the IAA Grant and Sponsorship Program and general information are found below on this web page.

Anyone who wants to join the IAA Grant and Sponsorship Program must first apply for the Invincible America Assembly with the IA Department at MIU. Their application is separate from the grant/sponsorship application. This is the MIU IAA url: Here is IA Department contact information:, 1.641.472.1212.

Who is eligible?
Practitioners of the TM-Sidhi program from every country in the world are eligible to apply for this assistance.

You are eligible for support, if:

  • you can commit to the 6-hour per day rounding program and
  • you have been accepted by the Invincible America Department and have received your program badge with a current sticker. (If you have not already done so, you may apply here for the Assembly.)

Who is not eligible?
Those not eligible for financial assistance:

  • students who are receiving federal student loans at Maharishi International University for any portion of a grant month,
  • pregnant women, and
  • you are not eligible if you are living in the Fairfield / Maharishi Vedic City community and are a full-time employee of, or receive room and board from MIU, MSAE, the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP), Maharishi Foundation USA, or any other organization that is part of Maharishi’s worldwide organizations,
  • you may not be eligible if you recently graduated from your TM-Sidhi® Flying Course. Follow the instructions you were given during your course.

Are there attendance requirements?
Grant funds are available to those able to participate for a minimum of 80% of the sessions each month. The more sessions you attend, the higher your financial support will be.

You may still receive a grant if you attend 70% of sessions, but below 80% there is no provision for taking into account special circumstances such as weather days, administrative errors, computer errors, etc. Maximum assistance is up to $350 and will go to a minimum of $244 for 70% attendance.

To record attendance, participants will be issued a special swipe card that they will use at the beginning and end of each program. Please note: there is a $10.00 charge for this swipe card. Details for obtaining a swipe card will be available in the grant/sponsorship acceptance email which is:, which you receive from the Invincible America Assembly (IAA) Grants Office.

How long a commitment do I have to make?
One calendar month. A calendar month is for instance all of July or all of August. Grants and Sponsorships are not given for partial months. Because there is some leeway built into program attendance, you may not need to arrive exactly on the first or depart after the month is over, however that will affect the amount of your grant.

How do I apply?

  • For those already on the grant program and continuing, you will need to apply only once per year, in December, by December 12th, for the ensuing 12 months for attendance beginning in January. The special abbreviated financial request form for continuing grantees can be found at the bottom of this web page when it is activated and made visible in December.
  • For new and former IAA Grant and International Sponsorship Participant applicants, we suggest you apply at least a month and a half prior to the month in which you want to attend.

For all applicants, If you don’t receive an auto-response email from us shortly after applying, please contact us directly at

On campus housing is not available.

Because of increased student enrollment at MIU, traditional housing on the MIU campus is no longer available for grantees or International Sponsorship Participants. This is a hurdle for travelers to Fairfield because housing is in short supply. If you can, stay with a friend. Here is a website that may help you find a place to stay: This webpage may be helpful:


Because of increase student enrollment at MIU, only students, faculty, and staff may eat at Annapurna, which is the dining hall on the MIU campus. However, the Vishwa Shanti Café in the Argiro Center is available. 

Also, there are many places in town to dine and take out as well as grocery stores. However, the Golden Dome Market on the MIU campus is closed for redesign. We do not know when it will be reopened.

Here are the current ways that participants are paid:

  • For US residents, grant checks will be ready usually during the first week or up to ten days into the month following the grantees’ attendance on the Assembly. The exact date for the grant distribution will be announced a few days into each month. Checks are handed out in the Domes.
  • Currently, we do not have sponsorship for International Sponsorship Participants. In recent times, they were sponsored with an account at the Golden Dome Market for groceries or meals in the cafe. However, the Golden Dome Market closed for redesign, and we do not know when it will be reopened. We are looking forward to this situation changing so we can welcome our international friends again.
  • In another change, our Canadians friends will be classed as internationals. So, like our other international friends, we currently have nothing to offer for sponsorship.
  • Please be aware that funding for the IAA Grant is dependent on ongoing fundraising, and particularly on a few large donors, and that could fluctuate. Therefore, we advise that all grantees have a back-up plan for the portion of your financial support that the grant would provide in the event that the grant is reduced at any point.

Leaves of absence
Provided you notify the IAA Grants office at in advance, you may take an unpaid leave of absence of up to two months in each calendar year and still retain your current Grant status, i.e. you will not need to reapply when you return from your second leave of absence.

Notification of Acceptance on the Grant Program
Your presence on the Invincible America Assembly will be greatly appreciated whenever you can come. Please note that if your travels depend on a grant or sponsorship, do not purchase airline tickets or make travel arrangements until you receive the official acceptance email from the IAA Grants Program office. Occasionally, all grants or sponsorships are reserved. Email notification of receipt of your application for the grant or sponsorship is sent to you immediately upon applying (please check your spam folder). The official acceptance email to the IAA Grants Program comes at a later date.

If you have questions that aren’t answered in “Frequently Asked Questions” please email

Financial Support Request Form

for new and former applicants (that is people who are not currently receiving the grant or not currently on the International Sponsorship Program).


Contact Information

Please make a selection

Mailing address for grant checks if different than above

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Please kindly do not use another person’s email address. Your email address is your unique username for the IAA Grants Office. If you use another person’s email address your application may overwrite their details.

Governor Training or TM-Sidhi® program course

Course Information

Have you ever received financial support to participate in the IA Assembly? (The grants program started in 10/2006.)

Do you still have your swipe card for keeping track of attendance?

Do you currently have a United States social security number?

Please make a selection

What date do you wish to start on the financial support? (Please note a grant is given only on a calendar month basis and cannot be split between two months.)

Please make a selection Please make a selection

Please note that currently participants are receiving a maximum of $350. Please indicate $350 or a lesser amount if that would be sufficient for you.

For how many months are you applying for the IAA Grant or International Sponsorship Program?

Please indicate whether you will be a student at the time you are planning to participate in the grant program:

If you will be an MIU student, will you be receiving United States federal student loans?

Please make a selection

Please indicate if you, or anyone in your family, are employed by Maharishi University of Management, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi Foundation USA, or any other organizations amongst Maharishi’s world-wide organizations?

If yes, please list the name of the employee, the organization worked for, and any benefits, such as room and board, received because of this relationship to them.

Is there any other family member on the grant at this time or planning to enter at the same time as you will start?

Please let us know their name

To receive the IAA Grant is to be entrusted with the faithful and proper use of significant sums of money donated by people with a profound dedication to creating world peace and the invincibility, progress, and success of our nation and yourself as an individual. It is essential therefore that you have the qualities necessary to put this cherished gift to the use for which it was donated and intended.

Please supply the names and contact details of two or three people who would be prepared to be contacted over the phone and give you a personal recommendation. It may be helpful — but it is not essential — to your application if these people are well known to the IAA Grants Office or other branches of Maharishi’s organizations in Fairfield. Please do not use relatives as references.

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I undertake to follow the currently recommended 6-hour/day Invincible America Assembly program guidelines and any guidelines regarding attendance and the taking of attendance deemed necessary for this financial support.

Please make a selection

Please do not close your computer
after you click SUBMIT until you see either the application confirmation, “We have received your application...,” or if you are not redirected to a confirmation page, then check to be sure all required items are completed—these will be highlighted in red. (Click here to return to top of application.)
Thank you.

After submitting your application, if you do not receive an auto-reply email and it is not in your spam folder, please notify the grants office at to find out if your application was received

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